
Welcome to my blog of all things geek and fandom. I was planning on making a website, but I decided to use this site as a blogging format. I will be posting reviews of all the books I read, which includes manga and graphic novels; anime series I watch, and movies and TV shows. Video games are tricky because I have a hard time finishing them. However, I will be sharing awesome news about video games and any other fandom or geek culture topics. I will also announce personal things such as my own plans for the New Year, or things I want do, watch, or just plan on writing about life in general. 

My name is Joanna Frost and I’m the founder and creator of this blog. I have an older blog that has the same name as this website, but with a different username: tonix24.livejournal.com where I used to write reviews and write about my daily life. I won’t be writing anything over there no more because LiveJournal is not as popular as it was before. I also want to start off fresh by posting on a new site. I’m a huge book nerd, a manga and anime fan, and I love playing video games. I also enjoy watching great movies and TV shows. I am an aspiring writer, and I hope to finish writing my first book this year. 

I hope you enjoy my posts and give me feedback I will really appreciate. 

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